Smart Medical, abbreviated as WIT120 in English, gradually reaches informatization by creating a regional medical information platform for health records and using the most advanced Internet of Things technology to realize the interaction between patients and medical personnel, medical institutions and medical equipment.
Due to the imperfection of the public health care management system in China, the high cost, low access and low coverage of health care are problems that plague people's livelihood. In particular, the medical problems represented by the "inefficient medical system, poor quality medical services, and the difficult and expensive access to medical services" are the main focus of social concern. Problems such as overcrowding in large hospitals, unattended community hospitals, and cumbersome procedures for patients are due to poor medical information, polarization of medical resources, and inadequate medical supervision mechanisms, which have become important factors affecting the harmonious development of society.
Feixiang Cloud Smart Medical Solution is a comprehensive medical information network platform system to create safe, convenient and high-quality medical services through platform upgrade and transformation.
Smart Healthcare consists of three parts, namely Smart Hospital System, Community Health System, and Home Health System.
Feixiang Cloud Smart Medical Solution is a comprehensive set of functional medical information network platform system, which creates safe, convenient and high-quality medical treatment services through platform upgrading and transformation. With medical institutions as the main service providers and medical resources and information sharing as the goal, it uses information integration technology and key technology of medical services to create a panoramic solution of informationization of medical association. By implementing this solution, it can effectively maximize the utilization of medical resources, promote the implementation of the hierarchical diagnosis and treatment system, enhance the service capacity of the grassroots while improving the overall service capacity and efficiency of the medical association, and meet the health needs of the people in its coverage area. The panoramic solution of informationization of medical association includes seven functions of remote diagnosis, telemedicine, collaborative sharing, health service, operation and management patient service and integration platform.